Mount Meru

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Less known than Mt. Kilimanjaro to the northeast, Meru offers a less traveled and less intimidating, but no less enjoyable, climbing experience. Along your journey on the Momella route, you first arrive at the Miriakmba Hut (2514 m / 8,248 ft); then on to the Saddle Hut (3566 m / 11,712 ft); before either summiting Little Meru (3820 m / 12,533 ft) or the upper summit, Socialist’s Peak (4562 m / 15,967 ft).
Expect panoramic views of the surrounding area, including Kilimanjaro in the distance, and explore the changes in the vegetation from forest, to heather, to alpine, as you leave the monkeys and giraffes behind on your summit to the top.
Located to the east of the Great Rift Valley in Arusha National Park, Mt Meru is the 5th highest mountain in Africa. A massive volcanic explosion over 250,000 years ago, left the mountain with a unique horseshoe-shaped crater providing spectacular views at its summit.
Start planning your mountain climbing adventure!

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Mount Meru $ 0 $ 0 0 Anytime

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